Anniversary logo design

Celebrating their 10 year anniversary, Conflict Armament Research required a logo to promote this milestone. For this brief, I took one of the two main components of CARs research – weaponry and aumminition tracing and created a stylised ’10’ based on the optical site markings found on grenade launchers and a headstamp found on ammunition. The motif was designed both as in an isolated form as well as combined with the organisation name depending on where it is seen. Examples of application were provided to show the effectiveness of the mark within a variety contexts.

ClientConflict Armament ResearchServicesConcept and Execution

CAR anniversary motif half version
CAR Aniversary Logo concept breakdown
CAR anniversary full version in colour
CAR anniversary full version reversed
CAR Logo on Flag
CAR anniversary logo on flag reversed
CAR anniversary logo on t-shirt
Pathways Forward - a weapon tracing conference - front side