Peace transition logo design

This peace transition logo design was created for Geneva-based Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative (in association with the Graduate Institute) – an organisation who offer resources and guidance to other parties and governments seeking to nuture inclusive discussions and mediation between parties.

The logo was based on a premise of what this organisation brings to the table (both literally and figuratively) – the central square represents both a table and the centralised and anchoring role the initiative brings. Surrounding this table are abstracted geometric chairs representng those parties whom the intiative is aimed. I also created a set of guidelines to rationalise the logo and detail colour, usage and typography.

In addition to the logo, I also explored a document hierarchy where tiered levelled publication covers were created to show how the logo could extend itself in other contexts.

ClientInclusive Peace and Transition InitiativeServicesDesign and document strategy

IPTI logo
IPTI guidelines
IPTI guidelines
IPTI guidelines
IPTI document hierarchy
peace platform website design - homepage