Junior school corporate identity

Enfield-based Carterhatch Junior School required a new identity to help modernise and reflect the core values of the school.

The first element to be created was the logo which the pupils provided sketches and ideas which reflected the core values of the school. Common themes and graphic devices were developed from these sketches into a range of options which the School Parliament, made up of key pupils, and staff decided upon. Importantly, pupils needed to have a sense of ownership of the new logo and that they had a role in its creation.

The end result was a logo focused in on the shared support each pupil has for one another in attaining success both personally and intellectually. It was designed in two forms, horizontal and vertical – used where space limitations favour one or the other.

Once the logo was established it was used in a number of contexts including clothing and signage together with a new colour palette. In addition, I also designed supporting materials including a PowerPoint presentation, stationery, a report template, impactful wall art, newsletter masthead and name and design guidelines.

ClientCarterhatch Junior SchoolServicesDesign, StrategyElementsLogo, typography, colour palette, stationery, signage, Powerpoint, report templateTestimonial"Creative and inspiring, Julian redesigned our school logo and developed a new modern design for our newsletter. Responds quickly and patiently to customer input. Professional service. Highly recommended."

Carterhatch Junior School - logo - portrait
Carterhatch Junior School - logo - landscape
Carterhatch Junior School - identity guidelines
Carterhatch Identity - guidelines spread
Carterhatch Junior School - logo on sweaters
Carterhatch Junior School - exterior signage
Carterhatch Junior School - welcome wall art
Carterhatch Junior School - Newsletter
Carterhatch Newsletter
Carterhatch Junior School - Powerpoint - coverpage
Powerpoint - bullet
Powerpoint - bullet and image
Carterhatch Junior School - report cover
Carterhatch Junior School - report spread
Carterharch Junio School - Passport Cover
Carterharch Junio School - Spread 3