School logo design

Carterhatch Junior School sought to rebrand their visual presence to better convey their core values. In partnership with the pupils, who sketched their ideas, I distilled themes and common ideas into something which they could all be proud of. Common themes and graphic devices were developed from these sketches into a range of options which the School Parliament, made up of key pupils, and staff decided upon. Importantly, pupils needed to have a sense of ownership of the new logo and that they had a role in its creation.

This project was an initial step in crafting other elements including documentation, signgage and other supporting material as part of the identity strategy.

ClientCarterhatch Junior SchoolServicesDesign, Art Direction, BrandingStyleguideStyleguide RelatedIdentity

Carterhatch Junior School logo design
Carterhatch Junio School - logo development sketches
Carterhatch Junior School - logo - portrait
Carterhatch Junior School - logo - landscape
Carterhatch junior school logo on clothing
Carterhatch Junior School - identity guidelines
Carterhatch Junior School - Newsletter